2011年成立知博有限公司後,我們期待分享更多結合實用與美學的好物。 曾經是到處出差的旅人,所以我們更在乎旅行中的大小細節,走遍多個國家,務實的精挑細選各種經得起時間考驗的旅行質感物件,陸續引進來自歐洲、美國等地逾15個經典品牌,從頸枕、眼罩、保溫瓶、登機輕旅包到各種配件。 隨著人生階段的不同,我們開始成為爸爸媽媽,為了給孩子最好的,我們也投注心力去找最合適兒童的用品,以幫自己的孩子找用品的態度用心嚴選,希望透過每一個由我們用心把關的兒童品牌,在孩子成長的路上,成為最好的陪伴! iYoho Corporation was established in 2011. Our mission is to introduce great products to the Taiwan market.
We love to travel, and we care about all the details during the trip. Based on our travel experience, we introduce several brands into the Taiwan market, from neck pillows, eye masks, travel bags to various travel accessories. We hope we can make a difference and make everyone's life better. As we move on to the next stages of our lives, we become parents. We try to provide the best to our kids. After a lot of tries, we carefully introduce the best kids' products into the Taiwan market. We believe our effort will become the kids' best companion. |